

Self Esteem in Romantic Relationships

23 Nov, 2014

Self Esteem in Romantic Relationships

Often we think that relationships, especially, personal, intimate and romantic one’s, would nurture and nourish us and in turn boost our self-confidence. However, sometimes, this is not the case, if we have inadvertently spiraled off into a destructive or passionless or simply dead and boring relationship quagmire...


02 Nov, 2014


Stress is an ubiquitous and multilayered phenomenon that is an entrenched reality of our daily postmodern lives. In effect, the stress response has played a significant role in the evolution of our nervous system and was crucial for our survival on this planet...

Health Psychology

12 Oct, 2014

Health Psychology

The term “health psychology” pertains to our emotional and psychophysiological responses to our personal conditions of health and illness as well as thoughts, emotions and behaviours that either contribute to or hinder our well-being...


24 Sep, 2014


I always encourage my clients to grant themselves solitary time in nature and moreover, like to do retreats or therapeutic work in the wilderness with them. Consciously, spending time in the natural world is one of the most healing presents you could give yourself...

Meditation and Psychotherapy

17 Sep, 2014

Meditation and Psychotherapy

In today’s post-modern era, cutting edge understandings of mental health are emerging through an integration of both eastern spirituality and western psychology. Both traditions work with the mind, subjectivity and consciousnes...

Mindfulness: more than just a buzzword

10 Sep, 2014

Mindfulness: more than just a buzzword

Mindfulness is an ancient Buddhist practice of paying attention to moment to moment experience in a nonjudgmental way. Contemporarily, it has been highly regarded and recognized by western...

Mindfulness and Eating

07 Sep, 2014

Mindfulness and Eating

As the festive season culminates in the onset of the New Year, we might invariably find ourselves ritualizing these transitions and celebrations with food and wine. Food is a necessity for our life and eating is a quintessentially primal activity whose roots lie deep in our evolutionary past...

Making friends with our emotions

03 Sep, 2014

Making friends with our emotions

Most of us are pegged on the pleasure-pain continuum bobbing up and down the scale between hedonism and agony. We do not want to feel sadness, loneliness, and alienation; instead we want to feel happy, peaceful and content...

What is Psyche-Therapy

27 Aug, 2014

What is Psyche-Therapy

What is Psyche-Therapy I am often asked why do I call my practice “Psyche-Therapy” as opposed to “Psychotherapy?” Psyche-Therapy is a particular orientation some practitioners of mental health have when they work with their clients, where attention is given to the whole person instead of being isolated or reduced to a DSM-V diagnosis...

Remembering Dreams

01 Oct, 0014

Remembering Dreams

Many indigenous societies, over space and time have given importance to dreams and have regarded them as messages from the Gods, oracles, spirit communications, a reservoir of important symbols, sources of deep wisdom and portals of spiritual experience...